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Design Rule of Repetition

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Design Rule of Repetition

There are design principles that should be taken into account when creating graphics. These guidelines are often what set good design apart from poor design. Each of these principles has a link with the others and may be found in any well-designed object you encounter.
A solid understanding of design theory will guarantee that your work is always grounded in logic.

Contrast, hierarchy, alignment, balance, proximity, repetition, simplification, and function are the main design tenets.

Whatever you create, whether it be for a magazine, poster, website, or advertisement, design principles should be taken into account.

These rules and guidelines should be kept in the toolkit of every designer, and they should be used consciously as they build their concepts.

Let’s examine the design principle of recurrence in more detail:


The use of the same or comparable elements repeatedly throughout the design is known as repetition. Now, this should not be interpreted as a pattern of repeated visual elements. The pattern of visual components in a design work has more to do with the visual aesthetic or the visual artwork.

The goal of good design is to incorporate similar elements into both simple and complicated works. We employ repetition to give a design a sense of coherence and consistency. Repetition develops a specific look, fosters coherence, emphasizes key points, establishes a hierarchy, and fortifies a design.

Any piece of graphic design should aim to leave an impression, preferably a lasting one.

If a design succeeds in achieving this objective, it will have served its aim of conveying and insisting upon a specific message that sticks with the viewer and grows familiar.

One could argue that design repetition is a form of brainwashing. We become more familiar with something as we see it more often, which helps us to remember it. No matter how we feel about repetition, it has an impact. Humans naturally gravitate toward and find comfort in familiarity.

The use of repetition in branding is a good illustration of design. Any successful brand will consistently adopt a graphic language or style. This may appear in a variety of ways, including the continuous use of a certain color or color scheme, a typeface or set of typefaces, patterns, shapes and motifs, alignment, photography technique, tone of voice, and so forth.

All of this is not an accident. This is a meticulously planned design that aims to produce a recognizable and enduring look and feel. Any company that wants to succeed needs to have a memorable and likable brand. The same is true for speeches, pamphlets, and brochures.

Maintaining consistency and attention is beneficial and provides value.

Magazines provide a further excellent illustration. Any well-designed magazine will have a consistent style if you flip through it. This is done to produce a specific user experience that you will like and desire to have repeatedly.

When examining a design, assess how repetition has been taken into account. What elements—and in what ways—have been repeated? Exists a definite consistency? How well does it function as a component of the design?

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